Our First Commercial
I have received a wonderful gift of a commercial from a beautiful being. Many blessings of gratitude! Check it out below and share for us if you are so inclined to spread the word. My personal joy ...

Subtle Energy and Dis-ease
Many blessings. In my service, I work allot with subtle energy and the nature of dis-ease. As we are flowing through conception, we have our first opportunity to experience the first negative energ ...

Ascension Guide
Many blessings. In my body harmonization service I work allot with ascension. There are many ideas what ascension is on this planet is so I thought I would share from my viewpoint. The mechanics of ...

Body Vibration
Many blessings. In my body harmonization service I always talk of body vibration and the alignment of all the body is. What I wanted to do today is talk more deeply on body vibration and how come th ...

Many Spirits in House
I contacted Bob and Tara because of I had so many spirits in my home that many disturbances were starting. Objects moving and being pushed of counters and many other things making me scared and nervou ...

Overcome my life’s traumas and go from a Survivor to a Thriver
I have been on a dedicated healing path for two years now. I have become a Reiki Master and have educated myself on various healing methods to help overcome some of the more tragic experiences in my l ...

The Harmonic Miracle Attunement
Many blessings. I am pleased to announce that a Reiki master and I have joined in divine cocreation to offer something new on this planet. Reiki with Body Harmonization. A serious potent combination w ...