Overcome my life’s traumas and go from a Survivor to a Thriver

I have been on a dedicated healing path for two years now. I have become a Reiki Master and have educated myself on various healing methods to help overcome some of the more tragic experiences in my life. It has become my mission to overcome my life’s traumas and go from a Survivor to a Thriver.
After what I have experienced in life, I knew that there was a polar opposite. A life free of trauma and abuse, and filled with self-love, self-worth, and Divine connection. I knew I could live a fully harmonious life despite the circumstances I have faced. Since this “revelation” I have learned to trust myself and my intuition and I have made every effort to not only change my outer world, but my inner.
This is where Tara and Bob came in. Just as explained, The Harmonic Miracle Attunement IS a LIFE SHIFTING experience. I received this service at a distance and immediately I began feeling the difference in my energy.
I wanted to wait a few weeks to begin writing this review because it was important to me that I provided an honest review of this experience. At a cost of $400 for this service, others deserve an accurate account of my experience so they understand what to expect not only from Tara and Bob, but of themselves. This is not for the light hearted. Their service is the seed of change. But with all seeds, they require constant care and nurture in order for them to grow. You have to harness this Divine gift in order for change to occur. You have to live authentically and embrace the healing. When you are READY for change, change WILL take place. And that is exactly what happened to me.
In a world where everyone expects a “quick fix”, there is no “quick fix” to true healing. You have to put forth the time and effort in healing, otherwise it’s just a Band-Aid. Your own dedication to your healing path will determine how effective this service will be for you. This is the catalyst for true healing. Not some mumbo jumbo healing modality that will leave you feeling cheated. If you feel cheated, you did it to yourself because you did not fully embrace the Divine gift these two have to offer.
Now to tell you my experience. In the beginning I felt my energy start to clear up and blocks fading away. I wasn’t sure at first what would result of this clearing, but I knew things were about to change because it was light a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Over the coming days I payed close attention to my body and mind and how I reacted to the world around me. I noticed I was able to stay more grounded and centered when my PTSD kicked in. All of my symptoms began to slowly lessen as the days progressed. My attachments to things and people began to fade. My fears and anxieties were more of an observed thought rather than an effect on my life. I was able to handle conflict much more effectively and confidently. All these subtle changes allowed my basic habits to change into a much more productive and harmonious lifestyle.
I also observed my energetic body and my vibration and immediately doors began to open for me. One thing I’ve been wanting to do was expand my Reiki practice. Within days I was led to some amazing new Attunements within my budget. I could instantly feel my life and my goals coming together to build a solid foundation for myself. I was flowing effortlessly with the universe and the Divine plan for my life. Where I felt stuck before, I was no longer. Where there was dead weight, I was now free. Within these short few weeks I have felt my vibration rise higher than ever before.
I have been able to let go of two toxic relationships that have been holding me back for some time now, and I fully attribute The Harmonic Miracle Attunement. I was able to fully see the toxicity these two individuals contributed to my life. My fears and attachments to them ceased and I was able to release them with a calm confidence. The clutter in my life that has been dragging me down is no longer there. My home is clean, my car is clean, my energy is clean, my mind, body, and spirit are clean. I feel free and ready to go forth in life with a renewed sense of confidence and trust.
This Gift that Tara and Bob have given me was invaluable. It was exactly what I needed to take the next step in life. I am eternally grateful for their service, and I highly recommend The Harmonic Miracle Attunement to anyone who is READY for a LIFE SHIFTING experience and healing.
Sarah Slate
March 2017