Quanta Morph
Many blessings. I am pleased to announce a wonderful new multidimensional product called Quanta Morph. This is a card the size, shape and durability of a credit card that resonates harmonization and ...

Spirit Attachment and Possession Harmonization
Many blessings. As I have worked with people I am finding more and more that allot of issues originate from sprit attachment or even possession. This is when an entity attaches to you in some way, the ...

Phoenix Immortality
Many blessings. Over the last while since my last post I have been meditating on immortality. One story that I have always used in my journey has been the phoenix. Many times over and over again I hav ...

Letting Go All Less Than Our Current Choices
Many blessings. Letting go of all that is less than our current choices in a firm commitment is so critical to ensure we can embrace what is in alignment with us in this moment. So many times I have a ...

Triggers In Life
Many blessings. As we run into a trigger in life there are a number of reactions that can occur depending on what moment you are brought back to. If the situation is perceived to be large enough, th ...

Powerful New Moon July 2017
Wow, that was a powerful new moon seeding. I have been working through a number of releases since including ego and persona. I am used to allot of emotional cleanses and purges before a new moon but n ...

Introspection of Ascension
Many blessings of self service. As a number of my clients move on from my services into their new reality we cocreated together I always introspect on the changes I witnessed in the bloom of them. W ...

Interview from Holistic Hot Talk Radio
Here is our interview from Holistic Hot Talk Radio about our body harmonization service! I hope you enjoy it. For more information on our beautiful body harmonization service, click here. Cli ...

Ego Challenge For Protection
Many blessings. Please be warned that I may trigger you as you read this. I hope this assists you in some way. As ego is challenged it rears up to protect itself for it only wants the status quo or ...

Body Harmony
Many blessings. Body harmony is when your body is in harmony with itself and with you. As the body comes into alignment, there is a general upliftment and many things just slip away from the body. Thi ...