BC Hydro cuts power to private school to force a microwave emitting device called a smart meter installation on children
BC Hydro just forced a smart meter on children in private school in Langley BC, Canada by cutting power. Businesses in the province have even less rights than individuals as far as BC Hydro is concer ...

Government makes billions on wireless auction
The real reason why Health Canada says microwave radiation is safe is that the government makes billions selling the airwaves. This is a serious conflict of interest and now we know real change will b ...

Quebec firefights request smart meters stay until after inspection
Quebec, Canada fire fighters stand up for people and ask hydro to stop illegally removing smart meters before the file inspection. This is a crime scene and should never be disturbed. Hydro is defiant ...

Itron Smart Meters causing fires in British Columbia, Canada
Victoria, BC, Canada, September 3, 2014 — Coalition to Stop Smart Meters (www.stopsmartmetersbc.com), announces results from a detailed fire investigation demonstrating serious public safety issues. ...

Bombardment of Dirty Electricity was not there all night
The shift that comes to mind is that the first night sleeping with the fabric. When I woke that next morning feeling refreshed and it felt like there was something missing, and what that meant to me w ...

Radio Frequency fabric solution allows me to sleep soundly
I want to tell you that I love this fabric. Since enclosing my bed, for the first time I have been sleeping so soundly. I also use an extra piece over me when I sit and meditate. Karen, CA, USA