Body Harmony

Many blessings. Body harmony is when your body is in harmony with itself and with you. As the body comes into alignment, there is a general upliftment and many things just slip away from the body. This increases the available energy for the day because there is less energy going to body self repair and even more energy is now available for you.
A body in harmony is also more connected to spirit or to higher self whatever that means to you. Most spirits are outside the body and possibly in higher dimensions nowhere close to the body. As our body comes into alignment with spirit we are more at peace and more in clarity. The buzz that may be noticeable in the body and in the mind lessen and can even disappear.
Most people just live with what is occurring in their bodies because there is no baseline on this planet for a body in perfection. When a body is in harmony, your body fits you like a glove and is the perfect instrument for your reality. The body becomes the divine instrument. Something clicks and shifts into something completely new. Then something magical occurs. External reality starts to update in beauty for harmony inside now mirrors on the outside of us.
I work on myself every day to tune myself for a new reality in what that means to me. For you, this will be something totally different. All of us are unique. Body Harmonization is a wonderful step in self service to honour self and to uplift yourself to something totally new and joyful.
My body harmonization service ranges from $477 for a base harmonization for someone in great base body well being already to my deluxe package that includes ascension coaching to assist you to embrace a whole other level of reality. Contact me today to start you on your way to a new reality that you only imagined before.
May your day be all that you desire. bob