Everyone’s house or business is surrounded by an electrical field from all the wiring for electricity. Every room is mostly surrounded by electrical wiring generating an electrical field surrounding the biological body. There are many outside forces that infiltrate the home in the form of frequencies and other methods.
What we do with this revolutionary service is update the information in the wiring so the frequencies are harmonized. If someone in a radio station is having a bad day, this will manifest a projection that is present on the radio wave. This then enters your home and can affect you. When the information is harmonized while passing through your updated electrical field with our technology, you only receive well-being information.
Are you having a mold or other stressor issue in your home or business? What is occurring is this stressor is gaining energy and has locked itself into your home. When your electrical field for your home is updated with our technology, this will harmonize the stressor so it is like if it never existed. In the case of black mold, you may still see the black stain but the mold smell and danger are harmonized.
We look for many types of stressors such as fungus at once. Only the ones affecting your water are harmonized. We look for many different types of fungus at one time and only harmonize the ones affecting your water. We literally check thousands of frequencies at once.
Treatment for black mold and other stressors can cost you thousands of dollars and we analyze and treat your home/business and water for only $675. Today’s treatment is rather time consuming and only targets the third dimension physical. We work within the subtle energy before matter is manifested for a permanent economical solution.

Water and House Treatment Only $775
When you order this amazing service we include the shipping to you after harmonization and installation is as easy as tape on a copper pipe and electrical box. No tools required and all we need is a picture of your house which we will contact you after you order to receive.