Process of ascension in whatever ascension means to you is in the mind and emotion as much as it is in the physical body. The mind locks us in place and the emotion can either lock us in the past or keep us from moving forward. You can work as much as you want in the body and emotion but if the mind is out of harmony, then you may stay stuck. The triad from our viewpoint is mind, emotion and body.
Entities can attach to you that become your thoughts and your emotions to then ask the question on what thoughts and feelings are yours and what are the person that has transitioned that attached to you. We also can assist in releasing entities from you. To find out more about spirit attachments and possessions click here.
In clinical hypnotherapy what is done is to clean the part of the mind called the human psyche. This is called the psychological process of ascension and absolute release of anything less than your current choices. We have had a number of clients that have benefited from this process to release many things that are holding them back in life or are locking in a trauma. Clinical hypnotherapy sessions are $100 per hour. Hypnosis is just a relaxed state of mind and has many techniques and depths of a trance. Allot of the time, I just have someone on the video on-line and we are in every day conversation. When someone is ready for a release or cleanse of the psyche, they are ready.
During all of this is being a guide with your permission. What we do together is just have an everyday conversation on a regular basis what is occurring that you need to assist in either depossessing from you, releasing or manifesting a new reality. Guide sessions are $100 per hour.

As Little as a One Hour Safe Session $100
Our session is over a video call, with a phone backup just in case of a connection loss. You are totally safe and the intent is to assist you to manifest a new reality and live life.
Contact us for more information. We offer permanence in all of our services but of course can never guarantee it.