Every animal or mammal body is unique and has had a different experience. When a stressor such as a chemical poison enters the body, this can manifest different external symptoms. The service that we offer finds the exact stressor and the organ, gland or system that the stressor is affecting by testing how alive the stressor is. We harmonize offering the body to upkeep itself. Upliftment after our service can include with no guarantees: More energy for daily tasks, waking up rested, body self-repair and general increased wellbeing. We offer no medical advice and neither treat nor diagnose. You must see a medical professional for that.
We just need a picture and we can work anywhere anytime on the planet and work harmoniously with any modality, medical system or prescription drugs already in use. The whole process takes around 4-5 days. Please note that we cannot treat nor diagnose and offer a harmonization service to allow the body to do what it does best naturally manifesting well-being. We also can never guarantee results. If you require assistance to select the harmonization package just contact us.

Base Body Harmonization with Worksheet Only $777
If you feel that only a tuneup is needed then click on the “add to cart” button below to receive this service. We will contact you after payment so we can get your picture and explain things more. If you want to read even more about this, click here.

Body Harmonization Worksheet Only $300
If you just want to start with a worksheet to get a body blueprint then click on the “add to cart” button below. This service starts the journey and reports on the lowest 5 performing organs, systems or glands and so much more. We will contact you after payment so we can get your picture and explain the whole process. If you want to read even more about this, click here.
We work within the subtle energy of creation before matter manifests. The difference between stressors of a parasite and a heavy metal is measured in the difference of frequency vibration. We tune into what we want to measure and harmonize specific to the body. Stressors infiltrate the body to create dis-ease. which is what we harmonize inviting the body to return to its original perfect state of well-being.
We look for many types of stressors such as flukes at once. Only the ones affecting you are harmonized. We look for many different types of mould at one time and only harmonize the ones affecting the body. We literally check thousands of frequencies at once.
Did you know that when the immune system can no longer handle a stressor, it switches the polarity so the immune system NEVER looks at this stressor again? No matter how healthy the body is, the stressor will never again be looked at by the immune system. We harmonize switched polarity so a stressor is now managed by the immune system. We also harmonize locked in stressors so the immune system can target and manage stressors.
We re-introduce the new uplifted gland, organ or system to the immune system. As the body rises in vibration, certain diseases or viruses cannot even attach to the body. This offers a possible permanent change.
Live blood analysis with Darkfield Microscopy: